
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Final Exams and Final Week!

Monday, Tuesday and Wed.  all students are taking final exams in each of their classes.  Upon completing their exams, students are to complete their canine possibilities drawing for me to turn in.

Students also turned in their warm up notebooks and any bathroom passes or bulldog bucks for extra credit.

Thursday all 10th graders will be presenting their great migration prezi's for credit in Math, Science, Social Studies, and English.

Those students who may be failing the semester, a book and a recovery sheet was sent home over the break to give students an opportunity to obtain credit for the semester.

Any questions contact me please.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Monday, December 8, 2014

Canine Possibilites

Bells 1-5 will be completing this activity Tuesday and half of Wed.  The link to the activity can be found here.  The students turn in this activity each day.  Canine Possibilities

Examples of Excellent Canine Drawing and Poor Canine drawings can be found here:  Canine Possibilites

Completion of Lab/ Canine Pedigrees

Today we completed our lab for bells 1-4 and turned in our lab notebooks to be graded. (alien encounters, mutations and inherited traits)

We then started our Canine pedigrees activity.

Bell 6 we started going over sex linked traits and pedigrees in our Introduction to Genetics Packet as seen on Monday December 1st.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Inherited Characteristic Activity

Today due to the scheduled pep rally students took a quiz and then we did an inherited characteristic activity as seen here:  Inherited Characteristic Activity

This was put in the science notebook and the notebooks for bells 5 and 6 were turned in today.  (Bells 1, 2, and 4 will be turned in Monday).

Thursday, December 4, 2014

More practice

Today we worked more on heterozygous and homozygous using an in class activity.

The Genetics Paper found here was started in class and the rest was to be completed for homework:Genetics Practice- He/Ho

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Punnet Square practice

Today we went over the homework from yesterday to clear up any questions.

It was decided that the students need more practice on punnet squares before moving on to more complicated dihybrid punnet squares.  Therefore we practiced today using this worksheet:   Genetics 2 practice

This worksheet was collected for me to determine how much more practice is needed.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Monohybrid Punnet Squares!

Today we completed notes on Mendel and the vocabulary using the powerpoint and packet from yesterday.

HOMEWORK:  to complete the punnet square practice on page 6&7 #1-5.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Genetics Unit

Today we started our genetics unit going over the vocabulary from 7th grade and learning about the Father of Genetics: Gregor Mendell.  Due to the short amount of time between now and our exams I am using a power point for us to use in class to help with the review content from middle school as well as the new content with DiHybrid Punnett Squares, CoDominance, Sex Linked Traits and pedigrees.
Like to the Powerpoint: Genetics Powerpoint 
 and  a Link to the Packet.Student Packet  Each student only receives one packet so DON'T LOSE IT PLEASE!

A reminder that we will only have 10 more warm up for this quarter which will be worth 100 points so please bring your warm up notebook everyday to class and complete the warm ups daily.

Today we completed pages 1-4.  We will continue each day.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014


We have been talking about DNA mutations for the past week in class.  Today the explanations of the different types of mutations and how they can influence the protein and traits of individuals were discussed using notes in our notebook and these pictures:  Mutations and this powerpoint for the notes:  Mutations Notes

Monday, November 24, 2014

Alien Encounters!!

Last Fridays howework was collected as well as Warm Up Notebooks

After the probe landed on the comet last week, scientist has isolated organic molecules.
Our class determined it was DNA.   We determined the sequence of DNA and have deciphered the codons from RNA to determine traits and how this alien should look.

Students were given a mock DNA strand and followed the procedure for the activity posted here:  Alien Encounters!

HOMEWORK!!  Students should have the data sheet and alien drawing BEFORE coming to class tomorrow.

The answer sheet and drawing of their alien was glued into their lab notebook after the Title and purpose.  Student tomorrow will complete questions A-F in the lab notebooks as well.

Friday, November 21, 2014

DNA Models Turned In!!

I am so very excited to see the DNA models due today.  Students had three weeks to complete this assignment.  Here are some of the examples turned it so far.

Also today we took a quiz on Transcription and translation and worked on completing the DNA base pairing sheet from last week (certain sections have been for homework for the past week).
This sheet is due MONDAY if not completed in class.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

DNA Candy Lab Continued

Today we continued our DNA candy lab by demonstrating translation.  We deciphered the codons for their amino acids, then used tape as peptide bonds to create a protein.

On our activity sheets from yesterday we were able to complete up to number 18.

Reminder DNA model DUE friday!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

DNA Candy Lab

Today and tomorrow to demonstrate another example of a DNA model for the project due Friday we made DNA out of candy.  We also demonstrated Transcription and Translation using candy as well.  The link for the handout is here:   DNA Candy Lab

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Qotd warm up week nov 10

Here is the link to the warm ups for the week of November 10th qotd week of Nov 10th

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Vocab and Questions part 2

Today we continued our work on enhancing this unit with vocabulary and questions:

Chapter 12 section 3  Vocab p 300
                                    Section Assessment p 306 #1-5

Vocab and Questions

Today we practiced DNA to RNA using questions out of the Biology textbook

Chapter 12 section 2  Vocabulary p 295
                                    Analyzing Data p 296 #1-3
                                    Section Assessment p 299 #1-5


HOMEWORK:  DNA Base Pair Sheet # 13-16
Today we took some notes on DNA vs RNA as seen here:

We completed #6-12 on our DNA Base Pair Sheet from last week.
We then used pop beads to demonstrate Transcription and translation using a student created 12 base pair sequence.  The colored beads directions are as follows: Pop Bead Activity

Pictures of what the students created:

Friday, November 7, 2014

Friday DNA wrap up

Today we took a quiz on DNA and the homework from yesterday was checked

We also completed the lab questions from yesterday.  A link to what the students should have completed is here: DNA Checklist

A link to the lab questions can be found here:  DNA Extraction Lab and Questions
The answers are in the reading as well as in their notes.  We did many of the questions together as a class.   Question 12 and 13 we did with a visual as seen here:

Lab notebooks were collected as students left the classroom.
Reminder DNA model due November 21st!!!

QOTD week Nov 3rd

Here are the Warms up from this week.  Warm up notebooks will be graded the week of Nov24th.

QOTD week Nov 3rd

Thursday, November 6, 2014

DNA extraction lab

Students completed the notes from  yesterday.

Students set up today's lab in their notebooks with Title (TOC), Purpose, and answer questions 1 and 2 in their notebook.  They will complete the rest of the questions tomorrow.  Science notebooks will be collected tomorrow for grading of the Epidemiology, Classification, DNA, and DNA extraction content completed the last two weeks.
Students then used Gatorade, dawn dish washing liquid and rubbing alcohol to extract DNA from their own cheek cells.  A power point we used in class can be found here: DNA Extraction

We also were given a homework packet that students will be using for the next two week.  Tonight homework is #1-6 due Friday Nov 7th.  We started this in class so all students should have at least number 1 completed.

DNA UNIT Homework

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

DNA Timeline

Today we created a fold able for the major discoveries around DNA's structure.  This is along side a video going into more depth of each discovery after 1944.
 We used the following page for the pictures, names and dates: DNA Timeline Fold able

We will be completing this assignment on Friday after our Quiz as tomorrow we are extracting DNA from our own cells.

Here is a  link to the video: DNA secret of life

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Voting day

Today we did not have school but I spend my day asking voters to vote yes on issue one!!!  Can't wait till you are all d enough to vote and help out country make decisions that last a lifetime 

Monday, November 3, 2014


Today we used the colored DNA we made last week and took note on the basic building blocks of DNA.
The DNA model project was handed out today.  it is due NOVEMBER 21st!!  it is 100 points so please do your best and DONT SLACK!
A link can be found here: DNA Model Project

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Fernald preserve field trip

Yesterday we went in a field trip to fernald preserve in Ross ohio.  The student did great considering it started sprinkling on our hike and had to be cut short.    They seemed to love to feel the animal pelts and watch the field cameras    Here are some examples of fun. All day

Friday, October 24, 2014

Dichotomous Keys and Cladograms

Today after our quiz we used a dichotomous key to identify aliens.

Our homework for the weekend is to create our own dichotomous key using the second set of aliens.  We started this is class separating the aliens into round head and block heads.

Thursday, October 23, 2014


Today we turned it homework, permission slips and taped our foldable into our journal.

We then completed our classification cards in our chart as pictured yesterday.

Students then taped in the questions and answered them in their journals.  If a student did not finish answering all 7 questions they were to complete them for homework.

Classification questions and chart

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Classification Activity

Today we finished our notes on classification in our fold able and glued pictures of each of the level of hierarchy as seen in the pictures. Then we highlighted the 6 kingdoms

We then highlighted the bio prefix epi and taxonomy.

Lastly we did an activity as a taxonomist might due, organizing organisms based on their similarities.  Students were given an envelope with 20 pictures of different organisms.  They had to group those organisms into 9 groups based on what those organisms have in common.  Their grouping were placed in a chart previously made as seen below as well.