
Monday, December 1, 2014

Genetics Unit

Today we started our genetics unit going over the vocabulary from 7th grade and learning about the Father of Genetics: Gregor Mendell.  Due to the short amount of time between now and our exams I am using a power point for us to use in class to help with the review content from middle school as well as the new content with DiHybrid Punnett Squares, CoDominance, Sex Linked Traits and pedigrees.
Like to the Powerpoint: Genetics Powerpoint 
 and  a Link to the Packet.Student Packet  Each student only receives one packet so DON'T LOSE IT PLEASE!

A reminder that we will only have 10 more warm up for this quarter which will be worth 100 points so please bring your warm up notebook everyday to class and complete the warm ups daily.

Today we completed pages 1-4.  We will continue each day.

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