Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Today I handed back the graded lab notebooks turned in on Friday.  I asked everyone who did not turn it in on Friday to please turn it in today (especially those who had to leave early for the game)
Today we completed the work from yesterday and added the work to our Ecology Unit Book in our lab notebooks as below:
     Read Ch 4-2 p 90-97
     Answer Key Concepts p 90
     Define Vocabulary p 90
     Answer Section Assessment p 97 #1-3, 5
     Use these answers to fill in Relationships/Interactions
and Define Ecological Succession pages

in Ecology Unit Book

I highly recommend if you did not get this completed in the last TWO days (you have plenty of time) you need to sign out a textbook.  The work not turned in today will also be considered late!)

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