
Friday, January 29, 2016

Friday Quiz and Warm Up Notebook TURNED IN

Today students took quiz 31 on evolution through Google Classroom.

After that students did a midterm grade check sheet.   To gain credit for this assignment, students must fill in any missing or failing assignments from each of their classes and show this to Mrs Greeley Howard for credit.  A copy of this sheet can be found here:

Student then turned in their warm up notebook for grading.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

DNA comparison in Evolution

Today students completed the DNA comparison in Evolution activity started yesterday.  Afterwards students started a quick coloring page on convergence as seen here:

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

KWL part 2

Today students completed the discussion questions from the Evolution of Barbellus Activity in their composition books.

Students then watched a short video (Age of Earth Cartoon) about the age of the earth to complete the last column in their KWL charts created on:  January 13th as seen here:
Lastly Students set up the next activity DNA comparison found here:  DNA Comparision in Evolution

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Cladogram and Phylogenetic Trees

Today we took notes on the Evolution of Barbellus Part A as seen here:

Then in partners we completed the Cladogram or Phylogetnetic Tree and turned this in to be graded.
Last students answered questions 1-5 in their lab notebooks.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Catching up on the Fossil Unit

Today due to the two snow days last week and the nova lab work, students spent time doing the following:

Traces of Tracks homework was turned in.
Completing the Nova Lab 1 and 2 and showing me for a grade.
Completing the coloring sheet and putting this in their notebooks as shown on Thursday 1/21.
Setting up the next activity Title, TOC, purpose as seen on Thursday 1/21.

Pictures are available on Thursday

Reminder that midterm is next week and warm up notebooks will be turned in this FRIDAY!!!!

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Today Students completed the Traces of Fossils sheet and colored their Evolution of Early Life sheet.   Students also set up for an activity tomorrow with Title (TOC) and Purpose as seen in the pictures.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016


Today on this cold day, students completed the NOVA lab mission 1 and 2 and showed me their final results for a grade.  Students then completed the Traces of Tracks activity (due tomorrow) and started the coloring sheet Evolution of Early Life (pg 2) which will need to be completed by the end of the bell Thursday to be put in the composition notebook.  

Speaking of which these notebooks were handed back graded today (except bells 5 and 6..oops I forgot).  Please complete anything note done and turn back into me to regrade.  Midterm are in two weeks!!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Quiz, notebook turn in

Today Students completed a quiz, completed the fossil questions, logged into google classroom and completed the 2 NOVA lab activities assigned in Google Classroom.

Directions for Nova Labs:  Nova Lab Directions
                                            Nova Digital Labs

Most importantly students TURN IN THEIR LAB NOTEBOOKS for me to grade as this is the second week of the quarter (I grade these every two weeks, just as a reminder).

Lastly students had a homework sheet due Tuesday:  Traces of Tracks

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Fossil Activity and KWL

Today students completed the conclusion from the lab yesterday.  Students then logged into Google classroom to create a KWL chart in their notebooks as seen here:KWL age of the earth.

Lastly students did a hands on observation/Questions of fossils found here in Cincinnati.
Students notebooks will be collected tomorrow and todays updates can be seen in these pictures.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Completing lab

Today students watched a short video clip about the age of the earth and then did the half-life lab to help understand how scientist determine how old the earth and fossils are to help support the evidences of evolution

The video can be found here: The Origins of Life on Earth

Monday, January 11, 2016

Go over homework set up lab

Today we went over the homework pack before handing it in.

We then set up for the lab tomorrow with Title, TOC, Purpose and a piece of graph paper.

Lab can be found here:  Half-Life: Determining and Graphing the Half-life of a Twizzler

Friday, January 8, 2016


Students had more time to work on the Evolution by Natural Selection packet given out yesterday and Due Monday

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Complete lab and homework

Students answered the conclusion questions from the lab yesterday.

The lab can be found here:  Bird Beak Lab

Then students worked on the Evolution by Natural Selection packet due Monday

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Bird Beak Lab

Today students completed the extremely competitive bird beak lab.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Prepare Lab and Homework

Today students completed the notes from yesterday.  They also prepared for the Bird Beak lab as seen here:  Notebook pictures for lab

The lab can be found here:  Bird Beak Lab

Lastly students were given time to do a reading and question sheet due tomorrow:  Shell Shape Question

Monday, January 4, 2016

Welcome Back

Good Day!!  Welcome back to Woodward and the start of 3rd quarter

Today we set up our composition book for the next quarter as seen here:  Set up Lab Notebook Quarter 3
We also started some notes on the Evidences of Evolution found here:  Evolution and Natural Selection Notes  Powerpoint:  Evidence of Evolution