Friday, December 18, 2015

Happy Holidays

Today is the last day of school before winter break (and make up work and semester exam make ups).  I would like to wish everyone a safe and enjoyable winter break.   I will see you January 4th!!  Please bring in your other spiral notebook for your warm ups for second semester!!


Monday, December 14, 2015


Today, tomorrow and Wednesday students will be taking semester exams in each of their classes (2 per day).   Grades for me have all been entered so students will know if they have make up work to do to bring up their grade in order to pass the semester and receive credit towards graduation for the class. Those students in danger of failing were given a make up semester make up packet that must be completed and handed in by the 5th of January.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Biology Semester Review

Next week students are taking the semester 1 exam.  This exam will cover all materials from quarter 1 and 2.  Each student was given a one page study guide  in addition to studying from their composition notebooks.  The review sheet can be found here:  Biology Semester 1 Study Guide


Today we took the last bit on notes from Intro to Genetics on Pedigrees. Intro to Genetics Notes
And started the pedigree lab activity (Pedigree Lab) and taped it into our composition book as seen here:

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Completing lab

Today students completed the lab sharing results and answering the conclusion questions in their composition book.  The blood typing lab answers can be found here:  Genetics of Blood Type Results

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

The Genetics of Blood Lab

Today were were finally able to start our Genetics of Blood Lab set up last week.

Today students competed at least 2 scenarios for the blood typing and will compete the rest tomorrow as well as the ten conclusion questions.

Genetics of Blood Lab

Monday, December 7, 2015

Evolution selections

Today we read chapter 16.2 on page 397-402.
In our composition book we defined the vocabulary words found on page 397 and answered the section assessment questions #1-4 on page 402.
In our table of contents this is labeled Chapter 16.2

We then worked on our homework packet due Wed

Friday, December 4, 2015

Quiz and completing work

Today students took a quiz.  A copy of the quiz is found here: Quiz 22

Students then got a chance to complete the work on page 389 of the textbook OR work on the homework packet due 12/9.  The homework packet was given out yesterday.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

preparing for lab and notebook pictures

Students will put this lab in their composition book.  Title, (TOC) purpose. Analysis, Questions #1-9.

Blood Typing Lab

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Homework and finish notes

Today students were assigned the Sex-Linked packet for homework Due December 9th at the beginning of the bell. A link to the homework packet can be found here: sex linked practice problems

Students then completed the work from yesterday in their composition book.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Evolution notes

Today students reviewed chapter 15 in the text book and answered the Assessment Questions on page 389 #1-25 in their composition book.  The composition book will be collected and graded Friday December 11th.