
Monday, November 30, 2015


Today we took notes on incomplete domanance, codominance, and sex linked traits as seen here:  Intro to genetics part VIII, IX, X  and Intro to genetics IIX  and the first part of intro to genetics part VIX  with starting the sex linked packet found here #1-6 sex linked practice problems

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Gizmo continued

Today students completed the Gizmo from yesterday and turned it in to be graded.

Monday, November 23, 2015


Today students are working on Dihybrid Cross Gizmo  The link for the web site can be found here:  Dihybrid Cross.  The worksheet that goes along with this can be found here:  Mouse Genetics (2 Traits)

Friday, November 20, 2015

Quiz Gizmo

Today we took a quiz on dihybrid crosses.  Then we went over the work from yesterday putting the Dihybrid Cross gunea pig practice sheet in their composition book as seen here:

 Next students turned in the second sheet from yesterday and started a new gizmo.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Di hybrid Cross Practice

Today students practiced doing dihybrid crosses.

The Dihybrid Cross page was competed and taped into their composition notebooks: Dihybrid Cross Guinea Pig

This Dihybrid Cross Genetics Problems is to be completed and turned in by the end of the bell Friday.  Dihybrid Cross Genetics Problems

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

DiHybrid Cross

Today Bells 1, 2, and 3 completed section VI and VII of the Intro to Genetics notes including the practice problems on page 10. (click the link for the powerpoint) Then students had a chance to complete their dog drawings.

Bells 5 and 6

  1. Read pages 270-274.  
  2. Wrote Exploring Mendelian Genetics on the top of a new page in their composition notebook 
  3. Updated their TOC
  4. Defined the vocabulary on page 270 
  5. Answered questions #1-4 on page 274.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015


Today we worked on completing the Canine possibilities activity with the drawing.  Upon completing students went on to google classroom to complete their Intro to Genetics notes sections I-V.

After that some students were able to complete a Mendelian Genetics practice sheet.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Canine Possibilities with Punnet Squares

Today we completed the Punnet Square Notes from Friday.  These can be found here:  Intro to Genetics part V

Today we started the Canine Possibilities activity that will be due Wed Nov 18th.  The hand out can be found here:  Canine Possibilites.  Today we completed the mother and father cards.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Notes and Punnet Square Practice

Today we took a quiz on Mendal Genetics ( Quiz 21 Link)and then completed part V in the notes started Tuesday. The Part V notes can be found here:  Intro to Genetics Part V Composition Books and Warm Up notebooks were turned in today to be graded.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Looking at your Inherited Traits Lab

Today we completed Section III and IV in the Intro to Genetics Notess and then we
competed this lab:Inherited Traits How to
The Lab can be found here:  Looking at your Inherited Traits Activity
Including questions 1-5 on the back.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Notes and Pre Lab

Today students received a notes packet Intro to Genetics Packetand we started going over the notes using this powerpoint: Introduction to Genetics  The notes packet will be handed in each day as we will be using this periodically throughout the next few weeks.   Today we completed I and II.

Students then updated their Table of Contents as seen in the picture below and set up for the Activity Thursday with the Title (TOC), Purpose, and Chart.  The Lab can be found here:  Looking at your Inherited Traits Activity

Monday, November 9, 2015

Vocabulary Work with Sub

Today I am out of the classroom working with other science teachers in the district.  Students are to work on the vocabulary for the new unit as follows:

Read pages 263-269.
Write Work of Gregor Mendel at the top of a new page in their composition book and TOC.
Define the vocabulary words found on page 263
Answer questions  #1-5 page 266
Define vocabulary words found on page 267.
Answer questions #104 page 269.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Friday quiz and HOMEWORK

Today students watched these short videos to fill out the Mitosis Vs Meiosis sheet glued into their Composition Notebook on Monday.  Then students took a quiz on Mitosis/Meiosis.  Last students got the Cell Cycle homework Packet due Friday November 13th.  That can be found here:  Cell Cycle Packett

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Foldable continued

Today student worked on completing the Meiosis foldable from yesterday.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Meosis Foldable

Today we completed our drawing of the steps of meosis and added them in order to the inside of our  Meosis foldable as seen here:
Notes video :Mitosis vs Meiosis How to video
Worksheet of the compare and contrast:  Mitosis vs Meiosis comparision

Powerpoint on how to put the Meiosis Foldable together:  Meiosis Foldable