
Friday, October 30, 2015

Meosis Foldable

Today we put our Mutations Notes handed back into our composition book as here:  Mutation Notes in Composition Book

Then we worked on our Meosis drawing for our foldable:  The link to the drawing can be found here:Meosis Foldable Drawing outlines.  The drawing looks like:

DNA fingerprinting

Due to scheduling for OGT testing today I had a second group do DNA fingerprinting same as yesterday.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

DNA fingerprints

Due to scheduling for OGT testing today I had a second group do DNA fingerprinting same as yesterday.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Testing Week Oct 26- Oct 30

This week was an unusual week.  Our students were with me only one day this week (Monday through Thursday) to start our interdisciplinary project of the Great Migration. Students watched a video about The First Lady Michelle Obama and how her DNA was used to determine her genealogy.   Michelle Obama's Genealogy 
Here is a link to the powerpoint used in class:  DNA fingerprint How To

We then performed a DNA fingerprinting lab just as they do in real research labs (the only difference is we used simulated DNA).  Each student compared their chosen DNA sample with that of DNA from different southern states.  Southern states were used becuase during the Great Migration, these are where most people emigrated from to cities like Philadelphia, Chicago, Cincinnati, and New York.   Students pour gels, prepared gel electrophoresis equipment, loaded DNA using pippettors, ran the DNA and interrupted the DNA data.  Students then applied this new knowledge to that also used in Paternaity testing (from Maury and Jerry Springer shows), Disease detection, designer babies, and the controversy of who own DNA.  Some of the links are found below for the Paper submitted for the lab as well as application activity completed during the lab.

paternity test activity
DNA Fingerprinting Lab

During the afternoon on Monday and Tuesday, students completed a virtual lab on Gel electrophoresis to help student understand the process of the lab:  We only completed pages 1 and 2.  The top of the page explain which web site to go to to complete this assignment.  Gel Electrophoresis Virtual Lab

Monday, October 26, 2015

Stations continued

Students will be in class from nine to moo completing a project for science math English and social studies.  At noon students will attend regular classes.   Monday and Tuesday students will be completing stations due 10/27.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Stations continued

Students continue to work independently on completing all six stations due Tuesday October 27th

Monday, October 19, 2015

Learning Stations

Students completed the Gizmo:  RNA and Protein Synthesis.

Then students started working on stations.

All week students will be completing 6 stations.  These are all found on my Google Classroom.

These stations should be completed by Tuesday October 23rd.

Blooms:  Decoding Your DNA reading  Decoding Your DNA Worksheet  Blooms Placemat

Writing:Alien Encounters DNA activity

Extended Response: Karyotype Gizmo Log In Karyotype Worksheet

Vocabulary: Mutations Cornell Notes  Mutations Powerpoint

Skills Focus:  Mutations Graphing

Informational Text:  The Chosen Child Questions

Thursday, October 15, 2015

End of quarter 1

Today students completed the DNA practice sheet and turned in their DNA models

This is the last day of quarter 1.

No school on Friday.
See you all on Monday!!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015


Today we took the PSAT during 1st to 4th bells.

5th and 6th bells got a chance to complete the DNA candy lab OR the DNA practice worksheet due tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

DNA candy lab continues

Today we completed the DNA candy lab started yesterday and turned in the worksheet with the amino acid chain.


Monday, October 12, 2015

DNA Candy Model

Today we made candy DNA models using Twizzlers and marshmallows.  This is another example of the DNA model project due October 15th (THIS THURSDAY).  Student had since September 15th to do this project.

A copy of the DNA candy lab can be found here with the student worksheet. DNA candy lab.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Transcription Translation and Quiz

Today students took a quiz.  We wrote a summary of the notes from yesterday found here:  Transcription/Translation

And students handed in their Composition Notebooks!!

Reminder  DNA project due THURSDAY!!!!!  If you forgot what that is (handed out SEPTEMBER 15th) here is a link:  DNA model project

Thursday, October 8, 2015

How proteins are made

Today students watched this video and worked on the DNA Base Paring Worksheet up to number 23.  This worksheet can be found here:  DNA Base Pair Worksheet

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

RNA Notes

Today we took notes on the differences between DNA and RNA.   DNA has the instructions for EVERYTHING.  We dont need the instructions for EVERYTHING all the time so instead cells use tiny bites of instructions called RNA

Here is a look at the notes:   DNA vs RNA notes

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

DNA paper model

Today we made a model of DNA using paper to demonstrate another way of creating a DNA model for the project due November 21st. Some students asked for the template for the two sides of dna used in today's activity.  They can be found below.   Reminder to look at your DNA model checklist sheet so you have all your parts labels in your key!!!  DNA Paper Model Directions

A link for the templates can be found here:  3' side 5' side

Monday, October 5, 2015

DNA replication

Today Students watched a short video on DNA replication:

Then students took some notes on DNA replication as seen here:  DNA Replication Notes

Lastly students created a Paper model of DNA as seen here:   If they didnt finish in class they had to complete this for homework and bring it in tomorrow   The model itself can be found on the next blog

Friday, October 2, 2015


Today we took a quiz on DNA and completed the lab from yesterday.. Quiz 6

Students then had a chance to check their notebook for completion.  The lab notebook should look like:

Thursday, October 1, 2015

DNA extraction lab

Here is a link to the directions for DNA extraction lab:  DNA extraction

Here is the Lab set up for today's lab.  DNA extraction lab set up

You should have:
Hypothesis-  If I remove my DNA from my cheek cells, then my DNA will look like______.

After completing the lab students worked on: 1-10 in your lab notebook