
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

DNA coloring notes and questions

Today students completed the DNA coloring sheet and answered the questions from Tuesday.  The coloring sheet and questions should be glued into your composition book.  No new TOC is needed.

Here is the Lab set up for tomorrows lab.  DNA extraction lab set up

You should have:
Hypothesis-  If I remove my DNA from my cheek cells, then my DNA will look like______.

Here is a link to the directions to tomorrows DNA extraction lab:  DNA extraction

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

DNA Notes

Today we completed the foldable from yesterday, Answered the homework question on Google Classroom and then took some notes on DNA and DNA replication as seen in the picture below:

Here is a link to the coloring sheet and the questions:  DNA coloring and questions and DNA reading

Monday, September 28, 2015

Foldable on Chromosomes, DNA, and Genes

Today students used the directions on Google Classroom to make a foldable on how Chromosomes, DNA and Genes are related.  You can find those directions here:  Chromosomes, DNA, and Genes

Here is an overall pictures of the Foldable

Friday, September 25, 2015


Today students took an online quiz located on Google Classroom on Living Things Unit.
Students then turned in their lab notebook!!!

They then had time to complete station 7 or 8 from last week if needed.

Lastly some students had time to work on the coloring page for DNA found here:  DNA reading

Thursday, September 24, 2015

DNA Model Project Due Oct 15h

Today we went over the DNA model project DUE OCTOBER 15th.  This is the last day of the quarter and is worth 100 points!  This is a great way to give your grade a boost at the end of the quarter.   I have attached the criteria for the project.  Each student was given a PINK copy

DNA Project

Completion of Lab and set up new unit

Today we completed our lab questions.

We then took some notes on Levels of Organization in Organisms and set up our new Genetics Unit as seen in the pictures below:

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Organelle of the Day- Nucleus

Today we used the microscopes to look at the cell membrane and nucleus  in our own cheek cells.
Here is a link to the lab:  Organelle of the Day

Monday, September 21, 2015

Notes for Living Things Section

Today we are organing and taking notes via a foldable for the Living Things section of our lab notebook.  We then set up for the Organelle of the Day lab for tomorrow:  Organelle of the Day Lab

Your  Table of Contents should look like:

Your Notebook should look like this:

Today we added:

Quiz and completion of stations

Today we took a quiz on microscopes and completed the microscope stations.  Students were given permission to complete station 7 and 8 at home (7 has always been homework yet some students worked on it in class and fell behind in completing other stations).

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Continue on Stations

Students continued working on stations.

Station 7 can be taken home for homework.

Station 2, 3, and 4 are hands on labs that must be done IN CLASS with me.

Due Tomorrow!!!!

Warm Up Notebooks were collected today.  They will be graded by Beck, McCarthy, Spenny and Howard and returned on Monday or Tuesday.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Continue on stations

Students continued working on stations.  They are due Friday!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Microscope Stations

Today we started Microscope stations.  We will have today and tomorrow to complete them.   This includes the HOMEWORK assigned with the stations.

I will collect the folders on Friday after your quiz to grade this weekend.

A copy of the student sheet for stations can be found here: Student Microscope Stations
A copy of the directions for each of the stations:  Stations Directions
A copy of the pictures for Station 1 Station 1
A copy of station 5 Station 5
A copy of station 6 (which has been changed from above) here:Station 6

Homework: Microscope Homework

Extra Credit:  Microscope Stations


Today we plugged in our microscopes and learned or relearned the basic parts of a microscope and how to use a microscope.

Using this Powerpoint .    Microscope Basics
 We completed this worksheet except number 8  Microscope Basics Worksheet

Monday, September 14, 2015

Welcome Back!

We took some Cornell Style notes on Microscopes and Cells: Cornell Notes
 The link for the notes are here.  This is based on the Powerpoint found here: Microscopes and Cell Theory
We added this to our lab notebook in the TOC:  Microscopes and Cell Theory

We then broke up into our groups to work on Microscope Stations.
The stations can be found on my google classroom.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Quiz Gizmos and Notes

Today we took an online quiz.  Quiz 3  You must log in with your school google to access this through blogger.  Or feel free to log into my google classroom for the link as well.

We completed the two Gizmos and turned them in today.

Homework was handed out due Monday.  The Martian and the Car

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Continues with Gizmo

We are continuing with the Gizmos with many students starting the last one today and completing it tomorrow.  The last one is homeostasis found here:  Homeostasis

Wednesday, September 9, 2015


Today students worked on the computers using interactive lesson on cell structure.  The sign up process can be found here:  Gizmo Sign Up directions

We then did the cell structure lesson using:  Cell Structure Gizmo

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Characteristics of living things

Today we watched a short video on living things and filled in the Star Chart and Characteristics paper that were glued into our notebooks on Friday.

Lab notebooks were also given back with feedback on grades.  Students are given the opportunity to fix anything they lost points on and turn back in for half credit.  I highly recommend students to complete anything from the lab notebook set up in order to help them stay organized for the rest of the year.

Friday, September 4, 2015


Today we took a quiz on controls and variables.

We then took 15 min to complete the Heads and Tails questions

Lastly We Started a new section for Living Things on a new page in the notebook and glued two pages into the journal.  We Started the first page:  Characteristics of living things  and Video of Living Things.

Thursday, September 3, 2015


Today students used their tablets to take the district Pre-Assessment for Biology.  The directions can be found here:  Testing Instructions

We then completed our Heads and Tails lab from yesterday.  The lab notebooks will be turned in TOMORROW for a grade!!!

HOMEWORK!!!  Homework was assigned today.  Due Tuesday September 8th.  Controls and Variables

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Heads and Tails Data and Graphing

Today we completing gathering our data for the Heads and Tails lab started yesterday and created a bar graph of the data.  We then answered questions 2-4 on page 24-25 of Heads and Tails.  The links can be found on yesterdays blog.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Heads and Tails lab

Today students started the Heads and Tails lab to calculate probability and organizing a data table.  The lab can be found here:   Heads and Tails Lab

The directions for your lab notebook can be found here:  Heads and Tails set up