
Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Continued From Tuesday

Today student are working on review stations

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Stations Review for Semester Exam

Students will have until May 18th to complete these stations.  (May 13-15 students will NOT be working on stations due to FOOD Inc Video group work)

Vocab Station-  Worked completed with the Sub on Friday.
Writing Station- Read Works- Fossils
Extended Response Station-  Extended Response Instructions Story Board for Aquaterra
Bloom Station- Plate Techtonics Puzzle
Informational Text Station- Cladistics Lab
Skills Station- Cladograms and Genetics

Monday, May 4, 2015

Completion of Chapter 17 work

Today students completed the assignment from Friday

Turned in the homework from Thursday

Bell 1 and 6 turned in their composition books to grade What is evolution?  and Bird Lab

Friday, May 1, 2015

Vocabulary Work

Today students worked out of the book Chapter 17.2 pages 435-440.

The students were to do the following assignments:
Vocabulary p 435
Key Concepts p 440 #1-5
Thinking Visually p 440
Interperting graphics p 436
Applying concepts p 437
Inferring p 438
Interpreting grahs p 439
Analyzing data p 438.