Thursday, April 30, 2015

Bird Lab

Today we completed our Bird Lab we set up yesterday in class including the 5 questions at the end.  Bell 2, 4 and 5 turned in their lab notebooks to be graded.  This included the What is Evolution notes and the Bird Lab.

Students also  have a homework assignment due TOMORROW:  Shell Shape
Here are some pictures:

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Wednesday Evidence of Evolution

Today we did a foldable on the evidences of evolution.  This was based on the PowerPoint from yesterday (Darwin evolution).  The notes look like the pictures below:

Monday, April 27, 2015

Last Day for Gizmos

Today students completed their last gizmo (three total) over the course of 6 days.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Warm Ups Week April 20th

Here is the link for the warm ups from this week. Week April 20th Warm Ups

Gizmos part 2

Today students continued to complete the Gizmos they worked on yesterday.  Students will have these last three days to complete the 3 Gizmos, therefore giving students 6 days in class to complete the 3 gizmos.

Last day to turn in permission slips for the field trip is TODAY!!!!   

Thursday, April 23, 2015


Today students completed the Gizmos they worked on last week.  Students will have these last three days to complete the 3 Gizmos, therefore giving students 6 days in class to complete the 3 gizmos.

Last day to turn in permission slips for the field trip Tuesday is TOMORROW!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Last Day for FOOD, inc. Chapters

Today students watched a video on GMO's and the push to have GMO's labeled on products.  The link can be found here:  Bill Nye and GMO's

Students completed another Gathering Evidence E paper for why GMO's are bad using Chapter 4 in the FOOD, inc book pages 70-89,

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

FOOD inc, Day two

Today students completed the Gathering Evidence E paper from yesterday.

We watched two short video clips found here:
Cows Producing Human Milk and Making Human Hearts with Pigs

Monday, April 20, 2015

Food inc fourth quarter project

today we were introduced to gmos as food sources, medical applications, and novelty items using various video clips.

Students then use the gathering evidences e paper from their food inc packet to omelette the citations Mia format section for the food inc book

Lastly students started to read chapter four ps 65-78 to complete the evidences for the three arguments of why gmos are good.

Students will complete this gathering evidence e paper tomorrow and complete another one Wednesday for why gmos are bad p 79-85.

A link to today's videos can be found here:  What is a gmo.  Spider silk goat milkGo in the dark bunnies.  Glow in the dark treesFeatherless chickens

Friday, April 17, 2015

Warm Ups week of Aprl 13th

Here is a link to this weeks warm ups:  Week April 13th


Today students completed the two gizmos (except bell 1 who only have one completed)
Students also took a quiz on natural selection.

Thursday, April 16, 2015


Today students continued to worked on gizmos.

The web site is
Students already have their log in information.

Students are working on one of the following gizmos from that website:  Natural Selection
Natural and Artificial Selection
Rainfall and Bird Beak

Wednesday, April 15, 2015


Today students worked on gizmos to reinforce the natural selection process and mutations role.

The web site is
Students already have their log in information.

Students are working on one of the following gizmos worksheets from that website:  Natural Selection
Natural and Artificial Selection
Rainfall and Bird Beak

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Charles Darwin's 5 year journey

Today we did a pop up activity highlighting Charles Darwin's journey on the Beagle.  The notes are from this powerpoint: Darwin Evolution  We cut them out and made a pop up as seen in the pictures below.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Welcome back

Today student received their warm up notebooks and had a warm up
We then chose our science class for next year.  The choices are. Chemistry. Anatomy and physiology. Environmental science.
Lastly we took some notes on the history of evolution we will finish these notes the next few days What is Evolution?   and History Of Evolution