
Friday, October 24, 2014

Dichotomous Keys and Cladograms

Today after our quiz we used a dichotomous key to identify aliens.

Our homework for the weekend is to create our own dichotomous key using the second set of aliens.  We started this is class separating the aliens into round head and block heads.

Thursday, October 23, 2014


Today we turned it homework, permission slips and taped our foldable into our journal.

We then completed our classification cards in our chart as pictured yesterday.

Students then taped in the questions and answered them in their journals.  If a student did not finish answering all 7 questions they were to complete them for homework.

Classification questions and chart

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Classification Activity

Today we finished our notes on classification in our fold able and glued pictures of each of the level of hierarchy as seen in the pictures. Then we highlighted the 6 kingdoms

We then highlighted the bio prefix epi and taxonomy.

Lastly we did an activity as a taxonomist might due, organizing organisms based on their similarities.  Students were given an envelope with 20 pictures of different organisms.  They had to group those organisms into 9 groups based on what those organisms have in common.  Their grouping were placed in a chart previously made as seen below as well. 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Classification / Taxonomy

Homework was checked (#1&2)  tonight #3-4 and 1-3 on the back are due Tomorrow!

Today we started our notes on Taxonomy.  We did a combination of notes in our science journal and a foldable using this PPT as our guide:  Classification

The set up is here:  We will continue tomorrow with a quick classification game

Monday, October 20, 2014


Today we did a quick lab on outbreak of a disease simulating the exchange of bodily fluids and determination of the Ebola Virus.

We watched two small videos to understand a little more on how virus's affect our bodies and why all the news about Ebola when there are other diseases that kill more people per year then Ebola.
How do Virus's spread
What you need to know about Ebola

Lastly we started a homework assignment on Analyzing the current Ebola data:  Students are to have #1 and 2 done for tomorrow
Ebola Outbreak: Analyzing the Data

Friday, October 17, 2014

Last Day for Quarter 1

Good Quarter Everyone!!!

One forth of your 10th grade year has already passed.  Boy can time fly when your having fun.  Here is the link for the Warm ups from last week.

Warm Ups Week Oct 13th
Next week we will work on DNA and discuss our 2nd quarter great migration project!!.  I am very excited!

See you then

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Q1 Wind Down

Today and Tomorrow we will be completing the last of the pages in the Ecology Unit Book inside their Science Journals:   These journals will be collected TOMORROW for final grading for the quarter
as well as completing a few follow up questions on the Soil Sampling Lab from Tuesday.  

All extra credit must be turned in by 4pm Friday to receive credit for 1st quarter

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

PSAT today

Today bells 1 -3 took the PSAT.  I hep all my students worked there best to score high and learn much to help them on the ACT next year
Classes 4,5 and 6 were given an opportunity to start their homework due Friday.  Here is the link:
Human Population Growth

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Today we did the testing of our soil samples.  Using the kit from Home Depot.  Student will summarize the result Thursday and Test out water samples tomorrow.

Warm UP Notebooks are getting collected today for me AND Ms McCarthy to grade.  They will be given back on Thursday.

For some reason this doesnt want to publish right side up

Monday, October 13, 2014

Last Week of Quarter 1

Today I handed back the quiz from Friday.  We completed the Community Tries To Shrink Its Footprint reading activity started on Friday and set up for our Soil Lab tomorrow.

Students used the binder on their tables to prepare the lab as follows:

Friday, October 10, 2014

QOTD- Warm Ups Week Oct 6th

Here are the warm ups from this week, in case you missed one:

QOTD Week Oct 6th

Gathering Evidence

Today after our quiz, we individually read an article on Carbon Footprints found here:NY Times Article

Student then used the gathering evidence sheet:   Gathering Evidence B to come up with two conclusions from the article and two examples for each conclusion.  We did the first conclusion together as a class based on the TITLE of the article.  Students read the article and filled in the two examples.

Each student should have the top half of this sheet done TODAY.  If they didnt finish this in class they were to complete this portion at home for homework.  They will have only ten minutes to complete the bottom half on Monday morning.

REMINDER End of 1st Quarter is FRIDAY.
Warm Up Notebooks will be collected and graded Tuesday!!!   Lab notebooks will be collected and graded Friday!!!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Blogger Continued

Today we continued to work on our blog.  Here is a list of the MINIMUM requirements:

  • Your name with wcths
  • Description about blog
  • About me with photo
  • Gaget:  Follow by email link
  • Four pages:   Math science English social studies
  • Contact you (school email)
  • First blog thanking people for reading your blog
  • Attributes edited with Name of Country and Year

We will add pictures of the capital city this week as well

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Today we began the steps in creating a educational blog that will be used throughout the year in English, Science, Social Studies, and Math.  Students used the laptops they are assigned, logged in to Google using the same username with and password.  From the apps on the top right hand side of the page student open up the Blogger site.  Here students created a Blogger named after themselves with WCTHS afterwards and choose a template.

Tomorrow we will add the pages for each subject, the about me section and learn how to take and upload their pictures.

Later this week they will upload their history and math assignments to those pages.

If youd like a tutorial on how to create a Blog  here are a couple of videos:
Tutorial- How to create a Google Blogger
How to create a blog using Google Blogger
Blogger How To

Students will create a blog, upload pictures (math), upload a video (science), upload a written prezi  link (English), and upload a Google docs document (social studies)

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Today we completed the Wetlands Fire Ecology activity.  Those who finished earlier then others were given the opportunity to work on their homework as several students stated they did not have the supplies.  Colored pencils were on your supply list and Kroger gave out packages of colored pencils and/or markers the first two days of school!!  You will need these supplies later in the year as well.

Homework due Tomorrow (except bell 1 due Friday)

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Abiotic Sampling Outside and HOMEWORK

Today we spent the bell outside on campus collecting abiotic samples for analysis Monday and Tuesday.    Students did a phenomenal job listening to instructions and taking samples.  In each class the best group received arm bands to wear jeans tomorrow in school!   Congrats to each of those groups.
Here are some pictures:

 The homework due Wed 10/8 was handed out today (except bell 1 they will receive it tomorrow)  Be sure to answer the questions at the front AS WELL AS coloring the pictures inside as instructed.
The link is here:
Homework Water, Carbon, and nitrogen cycle

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Busy Wed

Today was a busy busy day.  We first went over our lab for tomorrow as  it will be outside collecting abiotic samples for analyzing Friday/Monday.  This includes taking a soil sample.  Students were reminded to wear sensible shoes to walk around in outside.

We then discussed ecological succession.  Student should have completed the definition yesterday in the Ecology Unit book:

We then drew the ecological succession in four phases (an example is on  page 94).

We then started our Wetland Fire Ecology activity by writing it in our table of contents and on a new page writing the title, writing a hypothesis, and gluing our data tables on the next page.  The rest we will finish on Friday