
Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Today I handed back the graded lab notebooks turned in on Friday.  I asked everyone who did not turn it in on Friday to please turn it in today (especially those who had to leave early for the game)
Today we completed the work from yesterday and added the work to our Ecology Unit Book in our lab notebooks as below:
     Read Ch 4-2 p 90-97
     Answer Key Concepts p 90
     Define Vocabulary p 90
     Answer Section Assessment p 97 #1-3, 5
     Use these answers to fill in Relationships/Interactions
and Define Ecological Succession pages

in Ecology Unit Book

I highly recommend if you did not get this completed in the last TWO days (you have plenty of time) you need to sign out a textbook.  The work not turned in today will also be considered late!)

Friday, September 26, 2014

Nitrogen and Carbon Cycles

Today we took  quiz 5 on Levels of a Organization and Trophic levels.

We also wrote the Nitrogen Cycle and Carbon Cycle into our ECOLOGY UNIT book AND answered the interpreting graphic question for each.  Pictures are below.

I collected the lab journal to grade: characteristic of living things, Levels of Organization, Trophic level notes, owl dissection lab,

If you missed any of the Warm Ups for the week Click Here: QOTD week Sept 22nd

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Today to help reinforce how the removal of a secondary or tertiary consumer can impact the balance of an entire ecosystem we dissected owl pellets.  The lab follow up is found: Owl Pellet Lab extras
Below is a picture of the lab.  Students put in their lab notebook:  Title, purpose (1-4) summarized the procedure (1-8) wrote the chart, and Safety equipment needed (PPE's)  I have uploaded some of the pictures below.  We will continue this lab tomorrow.

I also asked some students to bring in water samples from a moving water source by their home.  Mason jars were sent home to collect the samples in our water pollution lab coming up next week.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Prey Or Starvation

Today we talked about balance in an ecosystem regarding predator and prey.  We did a graphing activity regarding this delicate balance using real data from a study in Minnesota a few years ago.
Click on the link for access to the lab. Deer: Prey or Starvation

We also set up our lab for tomorrow for further discussion of the balance in nature with
Safety   The lab will be uploaded tomorrow as we perform the dissection.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Good Morning,
Today we went over the quiz from Friday and took some review notes on Trophic Levels.

We then discussed the vocabulary associated with trophic levels by highlighting prefix and suffixes.

Lastly we began work on Food Web with labeling with Food Web Artic due for homework on Wed Sept 24th.

Classwork:  Food Web Scenerio

Homework: Food Web Scenario-Artic

Friday, September 19, 2014


In case you missed a day this week here are the QOTD

QOTD Week Sept 15th

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Energy of Ecosystems

Today we got into pairs and reviewed food webs from middle school.  We will take this a step further in creating food pyramids and energy transformation and loss at each tropic level.  Each set of partners was given a different ecosystem and set of organism cards to create a food web today.

The links here are for each of the ecosystems.  Only one is needed per partners.

African Grasslands



Food Web Construction and Manipulation

To construct an accurate food web and discuss the implications of species extinction in the web.

One set of cards per group
Butcher paper to glue cards onto
Glue sticks


  1. Cut out each of the squares representing the animals in the food web.
  2. Arrange the cards into a logical food web, being sure to draw the arrows in the appropriate direction showing energy flow.
  3. Show your web to me. I will kill off one of the species in your web with the introduction of a parasite.
  1. On a separate sheet of paper, discuss the impacts of the extinction of this species. How will their death impact the animals who feed on them? How will it affect the species who were preyed upon by them? How might the parasite affect the ecosystem in twenty years? Fifty years?
  2. Turn in your web and paragraphs.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Levels of Organization

We completed cutting out our circles and creating our levels of organization using organisms found in the biome chosen by individual students.

We used the levels of organization as seen here to label each level of the circles.  Starting from the smallest to the largest:  Individual, Population, Community, Ecosystem, Biome, Biosphere.
Emphasizing Bio means life and Eco means environment using our Bio prefix/suffix page.

 To refresh your memory of each biome:

We then drew organisms from our selected biome at each of the levels of organization.  At the end taping this in our Ecology Unit on the Levels of Organization page.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Tuesday Sept 16th

Good Morning,

Today we continued our review of the Characteristics of Life with watching short videos and filling in chart on which characteristics were observed.   The document have a hyperlink to each video for each of use.

Characteristics of Life

We then folded and stapled our Ecology review book into our notebook.  The link is here for you to print out and use if you misplace yours.

Ecology Unit     This should be updated in your Table of Contents as well.

DNA Coloring

Wed and Thursday this week we completed a DNA coloring sheet and questions in class that are to be taped in their science notebook.  This should be completed BEFORE school on Monday.
DNA coloring Sheet with questions

Monday, September 15, 2014

Monday Sept 15

Today we started our Science Fiction unit discussing living vs. non living things.  We watched a short video clip  Short Video Clip and filled in a triangle as seen here:

We then discussed whether or not these were alive:    Why or why not.

We then cut and glued the characteristic of living things chart in our notebook and filled in the answers as a class.   To print out your own see the link below
Characteristics of Living Things Chart

Those words highlighted in blue needs to be highlighted in your Bio prefix and suffix chart.  An example is attached

Out for the count

Sorry class.  I has a severe allergic reaction to something on Sunday and Monday which became what you see here.   I hope you got lots of practice with the homework assigned Monday.    The assignments out of the book will help you with our next next unit  I can't wait to see you all Monday as in 12 years I've only ever called in sick twice.  

Monday, September 8, 2014

Science Lab TOD

This is a quick snapshot of the labs that are in your Table of Contents (TOC) so far.

Today we set up the density lab with TOC,  Title, purpose, procedure #1-6, and chart

Liquid Density lab

We have our activity to go over proper measure and safety techniques.  In your notebook you should have TOC, title, purpose, procedure, safety, data chart, graph, conclusion and questions.

Here is a link to the lab
liquid density lab

Thursday, September 4, 2014

QOTD week of September 2nd

Here is a link of the warm ups just in case your missed them

Warm Ups week Sept 2nd

Heads or Tails

Today we started our new lab Heads or Tails.  This should also be labled in your TOC (table of contents.  In your notebook please have your Title, Purpose, Hypothesis, data, bar graph, conclusion, and questions.  This should be competed by Friday September 5th for bells 1, 4,and 5 and on Monday for bells 2 and 6.

Here is a link to the lab for your convenience.
Heads or Tails lab

Monday, September 1, 2014

Science warms up (QOTD) the week of August 25th

Click on the link below to access the warm ups for last week in case you were out

QOTD week August 25th